Where’s the Value?

We place such value on things—on what we own and what we want to have. Those things have a temporary worth; they can be used for a purpose for a finite period of time.

The interesting thing about being a true disciple of Jesus Christ is the shift or change in what we value. We value the Word of God, the Bible, for its inspired, practical teaching and guidance. We value opportunities to help others. We value the ability to truly worship the God of creation. We value each other and the different perspectives, gifts, and talents each one of us contributes.

That change in values is the result of a change in perspective. If I only see things based on my experiences or the way in which I was raised, I will be limited. Compassion, empathy, purpose, creativity, and more, come from the inspiration and expanded view I gain when I am willing to listen and learn from God’s Word.

As I travel, I see the same needs and wants in people’s lives regardless of their culture. As simple as it may sound, there is a greater need that, when it’s met, will change everything that’s important in people’s lives. We all need a spiritual relationship, a connection to God that comes through Jesus Christ. That relationship is intended to be ongoing with a continual revelation of who God is and who He wants to be in and through us. His words and actions reveal that to us, and we find that revelation in the Bible.

Just like a human relationship grows and develops through time spent together talking and interacting, it’s the same way with our relationship with God. He wants us to get to know Him. He wants us to see what life can be like with Him. That truth can be found when we read our Bibles and see the writing as not just a set of rules, but of guidance for life—for our safety, for health, for understanding of others, for victory over obstacles, and so much more.

I value my relationship with God that gets deeper every day. It influences everything. I love more deeply, see things more clearly, and anticipate every adventure with Him. There’s no fear in it, just joy.



In Loving Memory of Rev. Paul Birt


Where Do You Draw the Line?