interactive online
Bible training
What’s the need?
Learning is changing.
People need to be able to access training that accommodates their unique schedules and locations. They’re looking online for training and education. Self-directed, on-demand e-learning puts education in everyone’s hands, wherever they are, whenever they need it.
We’re innovating.
We’re developing our proven Bible School curriculum in an e-learning format that engages learners with interactive scenarios, assessments, video, and audio lessons. Students will be able to apply biblical principles as they learn them, to interact with a mentor, and to actively prepare themselves to help others.
This is flexible, accessible Bible training that leads to a transformed life, reaching across national borders and church denominations.

Development (Year One)
Record and edit video components of the Victorious Living Ministries International® Bible School curriculum.
Hire an Instructional Designer to create the training modules in English for 62 courses.
Create e-learning courses using content creation software.
Translate courses and subtitle videos into Portuguese as an additional language outreach project.
Purchase, customize, and host a Learning Management System (LMS) where students can easily access the courses, and student information can be stored.
Market to prospective students through social and print media.
Project Launch (Years Two through Four)
Hire a part-time E-learning Administrator to manage the LMS, facilitate student registration, and generate transcripts.
Hire a part-time Instructor to proctor required reading and essays, and to provide coaching and mentoring for graduates.
What’s the plan?
What’s the cost?
Year One
$1,200 Content Creation Software
$65,200 Instructional Designer
$24,000 Video editing
$25,000 Additional language translation
$50,000 Learning Management System
Year Two
$1,200 Content creation software
$17,000 E-learning Administrator
$25,000 Additional language translation
$10,000 Learning Management System
Year Three
$20,000 Instructor
$17,000 E-learning Administrator
$25,000 Additional language subtitling
$10,000 Learning Management System
Year Four
$20,000 Instructor
$25,000 Additional language subtitling
$10,000 Learning Management System

What’s my part in it?
You can be a part of this project’s development and launch by contributing toward it. We’ve partnered with PayPal to process debit and credit card donations. Please note that you do not need a PayPal account in order to donate.