Worship Is Not Just a Song
I was in a ministry meeting yesterday—an annual board meeting—where we made decisions about international ministry outreach. My focus usually is on the big picture—what countries, when, and how.
In the daily operation of a ministry or in the everyday work of a job we tend to push worship aside as if it’s just music in a Sunday morning or Saturday night service.
Worship is not just a song, and it should never be relegated to a weekend church service. We shouldn’t say, “just open the teaching time with a song to get the people’s minds off their workday.” Worship is not a throw-away or just an opener.
Worship is life. It is the expression of our relationship with God. It is the expression of our love for Him.
Before that 50-minute annual board business meeting began, we spent two hours just worshiping and praying. Two hours. Our focus was totally on God, singing and speaking about how great He is; how powerful and majestic and holy He is; how faithful and strong and honorable He is; how amazing and wonderful, and glorious He is.
Worship doesn’t just put you in a position to hear from God so you can do ministry work or business; you can hear from God without worshiping. Worship is the core expression of your heart. It’s not a throw-away opener. It’s the main act.
It’s not just a song; it’s life.