Where Does God Fit?

Time spent with someone you love is never wasted.

How often have we substituted ministry work or volunteerism for actual time devoted to developing our relationship with God? When we make that substitution, we deny ourselves the refreshing that comes from time spent with Him. We place service ahead of relationship.

Here’s something to think about: what would happen if we tithed our time, giving God ten percent of our day? Ten percent of 24 hours would be 2.4 hours spent with Him. Most of us would say that would be too much; that we couldn’t fit that into our day. What if we just tithed on the hours that we’re awake? Ten percent of 16 is 1.6 hours. What if we gave God just one hour of uninterrupted time each day where we worship Him, study as He prompts, and pray as He directs based on the Bible?

What would that do in our lives? What profound changes would occur within us?

We would need to schedule that time just like we set aside time to eat, work, and sleep. If we would give God the very beginning of our day, before the children were awake and the rush of life begins, our perspective would change, and that day would be different from the days that we’ve been experiencing recently. Also, if we would focus on Him before sleep, our perspective of what happened during the day could change, and we could view the day in the light of His Word, casting all of our cares on Him and possibly sleeping better.

My relationship with God isn’t relegated to one hour in the morning or one hour at night. I talk to God during my entire day, and I also take a few minutes in whatever private place I can find to pray and worship when I feel overwhelmed.

My point is: service doesn’t produce the development of relationship; being busy is no excuse; and you can interact with God all day; however, He deserves some dedicated time where concentrated focus on Him is your priority.

I hope that you think about whether the time you set aside for focusing only on God has been relegated to a church service or if you’re actually taking time with Him each day like you would with a friend and a cup of coffee.

Ask yourself, “Is my time with God just an app that I run on Sunday or when I need something?”

Time spent with God is never wasted. Time spent in worship is never wasted time; it’s the refreshing or rejuvenation you need. Let’s make the time to be renewed.


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