What Are You Passionate About?

You are unique. So am I. When you sing, you sound like you. I sound like me.

I shouldn't try to sound like you, to look like you, or to lead worship the way you lead worship just because you may be more popular than I am. I need to be true to myself.

Have you noticed that when someone starts a trend, people who are easily influenced want to stop leading worship the way they had been and they want to do the new trend? I see this everywhere. I hear worship leaders say, “Have you seen the new video? We're going to change our stage to look like that.” Or I hear, “Have you heard that band sing? We're changing our sound to be more like them because they're popular.”

Why would you stop doing what God designed you to do with your unique gifts just because someone else does it differently?

If we all stopped trying to look like each other, we might actually see the variety that the Body of Christ should be demonstrating. The apostle Paul wrote, “But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:18-20 (NASB)

I am passionate for God, for the flow of worship, for the moving and directing of the Holy Spirit, for the Word of God given clearly and practically. I am not passionate about being current or driven by society. I have an eternal perspective—one that focuses on what will please God, not on what will please people today and possibly not tomorrow. Leading worship isn't about singing to please the congregation; it's about leading people into an opportunity to please God, to bless Him, to give Him the honor that He deserves because of who He is. When our attention is on Him, what we want tends to fade into the background.

Follow what God has placed in your heart. Be yourself. Lead worship with passion for God, even if you're not trending.


3 Characteristics of a Successful Worship Leader


It Starts With Listening Part 3