Use What You Have

All of us have a unique collection of knowledge and skills. We often think that those only apply to a specific job or time in life. We need to realize that there are no lime limitations on knowledge, and skills can be used for purposes that we may not have seen yet.

In this season of your life, God wants to use some of your knowledge and skills that you never imagined He would want to use. He wants to take all of who you are right now—the result of all that has shaped you—and in this new season He wants to build on that foundation. Then for the next seasons of your life, you will have even more that He’ll be able to use.

Skills have multiple applications.

I took a typing course in high school. One course, for one semester. God has used that typing skill from the moment the course was finished until today. You could say that I’ve used that skill, but really, God has used that skill as I’ve written books, blogs, and Bible School curriculum.

Knowledge can apply to different situations and opportunities.

My father worked for a florist as a very young man, and God later used his knowledge of plants when he had a working farm and beautiful gardens in Kenya. Dad taught ministers scriptural truths at the Bible training center there, but he also taught them how to grow crops to sell so they could support their families.

The key is to realize that there are no limitations.

Don’t disparage what you know, have done, or experienced. Don’t think that something is silly or useless. Nothing that you have done or are doing now is wasted if you submit that knowledge and skill to God for His use. Look at it, and ask God if He wants to use it and how He wants to use it.

Then follow His instructions, knowing that you’re pleasing Him. If you sense that you should study or try something new, do it. Learn it. Practice it. Apply it. It may have multiple applications, not just now but also in your future.

Allowing God to use all of who you are and what you know will bless other people in ways you never imagined.


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