Make It Tight

I'm asked often in worship clinics how to create a tight sound in a worship band. There are musical choices that you can make for your arrangements, such as focusing on what’s best for the style of the song instead of your own personal style preference in playing, and determining who should play what and when.

But a tight sound first starts with your relationship with God and with the band. Who you are and how you connect with and treat others impacts the team’s sound and flow.

You don’t have the luxury of being a diva in a worship band. That’s not what worship of God is about. It’s about you submitting yourself to serving God and working in unity with others to glorify God.

So, tighten up your relationship with God. Spend time getting to know Him by reading your Bible. Get to know Him in your personal worship time. Be devoted to listening for the prompting of His Holy Spirit in every area of your life.

Then tighten up your relationships in the worship team. Forgive. Love. Accept. Listen. And let the music flow out of that place where you trust each other.

What will glorify God? Simple answer: unity in the team that overflows into unity in the music, with the goal of proclaiming who God is and what He’s done.

Where are you on your journey in this?


Make It Tight Part 2


What’s Most Important