Building Your Team

A worship team or choir can be one of the most wonderful, supportive groups of people with whom you will ever be involved. After all, you are all musicians, and you have your relationship with God and your love of music in common. But those two commonalities are just the foundation of what can be one of the most enriching experiences of your life.

Here are some suggestions for developing and strengthening your unity as a team.

  • Look at yourselves as a small group (life group, core group), and live life together by being supportive and authentic.

  • Pray together. Pray for your local church, for each other, for the missionaries the church supports, and for your pastor and leadership team.

  • Study God’s Word together. Talk about scriptures that you’ve been reading individually or as a group. The worship leader/pastor should be the moderator or initial teacher.

  • Practice together. Work to make the music tight. Check out my post on making it tight.

  • Worship together. Not all rehearsal time should be music practice. Take some time, maybe once a month, where all you do together is just worship during your rehearsal time. Flow from song to song, and then spend some real time (not just a few minutes) in free worship. One of the benefits of simply worshiping together (outside of leading a congregation in worship) is that you will become more attuned in following the Holy Spirit’s prompting while you’re in free worship or going from song to song as you feel led. You also will become more sensitive to each other; you won’t be thinking about the congregation. It’s unifying. It’s uplifting. It’s powerful.

These suggestions will help you to grow together.

If strife, envy, or offense occurs in the team, choose to love, restore, and forgive. Follow Paul’s words in Ephesians 4:1-3, “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (NASB) [emphasis added].

The more you pray for each other and choose to love and live in forgiveness, the stronger you become as a team. God loves unity. He can use the team as you flow together.


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