How to Stop Your Personal Growth

The two words that are most dangerous to your personal growth are I can’t.

Those words destroy all possibility of action. They stop all creativity that would enable you to find a solution. They are like a period at the end of a sentence. Full stop. Thought complete. There is no more forward motion.

The words I can are found in the Bible, and they apply to you. “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 (NASB)

Ability and empowerment come from God. Creativity comes from God. Opportunities come from God.

When we say, “I can’t do this,” we’re denying God the opportunity to work in us and through us. We’re denying the fact that His Spirit lives in us.

If we would understand, accept, and internalize the truth that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus’ dead body lives inside of us, we would unleash the explosive power of God in our bodies and in all area of our lives. (Romans 8:11)

Remember who you are. Remember who lives in you. Remember who empowers you. Remember that regardless of the challenge that you encounter, God has a plan for you that leads to your victory. Ask Him to show you. Then step-by-step, walk it out.

You win, and you grow.


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